Dear Prospective Rushees

On behalf of the brotherhood, welcome to the 2024 Fall Rush of the University of Virginia’s chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi, the world’s largest and nation’s premier co-ed business fraternity. We are excited to get to know each one of you and hope you will join us for our open rush events. Alpha Kappa Psi is an organization of lifelong friends & highly esteemed individuals all with a common interest in business; we invite you to begin the process in joining our brotherhood.

Fall 2024 Rush Chairs


Info Sessions

Rush events will be held on:

  • Info Session 1: Tuesday, 9/3 at 6:00 pm (RRH 256)
  • Info Session 2: Wednesday, 9/4 at 7:00 pm (RRH 256)
Rushees must attend at least one info session or the DEI panel to be eligible, and may attend more in order to meet more Brothers.

DEI Event

The DEI Info event will be held on Thursday, 9/5 at 6:00 pm in RRH 256. Rushees must attend this event or an info session in order to be eligible to apply.

Coffee Chats

Coffee chats will be held from 9/6-9/8 for rushees to learn more about AKPsi and get to know our brothers.

Internship Panel

Our Internship Panel will be held Monday, 9/9 at 7:00 pm (RRH 256). Rushees will get the chance to hear about internships Brothers held this past summer in a variety of industries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Rush is our formal two week recruiting process where the brothers are just trying to get to know you and determine whether AKPsi is the best place for you. Through the information sessions, we hope you get a sense of what our brotherhood is all about. Even though it can seem intimidating at first, don’t forget that at one point we all were rushees just like you, and every brother would attest that they were glad that they came out and rushed.

Our ideal rushees are highly motivated, passionate, intelligent candidates with an interest in pursuing a career in business. We look for individuals who have had academic success in the past, but also for those who possess the potential to be leaders in the future. Most importantly, we look for individuals who have desire to learn from current brothers and contribute back to the brotherhood.

No. While AKPsi is a professional business fraternity, we are very open-minded and are receptive to students from all major programs. Our diverse ranks include brothers in engineering, mathematics, politics, language and just about every other major program.

No. You do not have to attend every single rush event. You can attend one of three the information sessions that will give a background about our fraternity and the rush process. Attendance at the mixer and invitation-only lawn social is mandatory unless you have a conflict, in which case you need to inform the rush chairs beforehand. The more chances you have to interact with our brothers, the more likely it is you will leave a lasting impression.

Yes. You are welcome to pledge other fraternities/sororities as long as they are not business-oriented. However, we do not recommend pledging two fraternities in the same semester.

Yes. Past rushees are encouraged to rush again if they truly want to join AKPsi. It reflects well on an individual if he/she is willing to put in the time to go through the rush process more than once. In fact, many of our brothers received bids the second or third time they rushed.

You should meet as many brothers as you can and ask brothers any questions you may have. Remember that we are a professional business fraternity – take care in presenting yourself at all functions and via all channels of communication. First impressions are critical in business.

The pledge process is designed to develop your personal and professional skills. You will be involved in organizing various social, professional and service events and given the opportunity to network and hone your leadership abilities. Most importantly, you will have a great time interacting with the brothers and forming life long bonds with a great group of people!